Online Course Marketing
Stop wondering what you're going to post next and start creating consistent & impactful marketing content with time-saving AI prompts & graphic templates designed to build trust and credibility with your future students!
Subscribe to the Post with Purpose newsletter for just $7/month and start a 14 day risk-free trial.
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The Hard Truth
Inconsistent Communication = Inconsistent Sales
You know you should be posting on social media and emailing your list to build awareness of your program and nurture your audience from curious to committed ...
... but... crafting consistent, high-quality content is a complex puzzle, often leading to overwhelm, burnout, and large gaps of inconsistent posting...
Sound familiar? Keep scrolling!
Conquer the Digital Treadmill
The Post with Purpose Newsletter is the easiest way a course creator can overcome the overwhelm of online marketing.
This weekly email includes...
a mini-lesson on creating focused & impactful content
copy-paste AI prompts
an editable graphic design template
This clean and simple approach to content creation is everything you need to break through the barrier of starting and maintaining consistency in your marketing without burning out...
No login needed! Everything you need is sent directly to your inbox every week.
Meet Your Guide
Hey there! My name is Mandie Kramer and I'm a certified educator and instructional design strategist who has a love-hate relationship with social media.
I love the connection and opportunities it can bring for course creators, but I dread the digital treadmill of consistently needing to create content in order to grow and nurture an audience.
So, I fused my expertise of learning experience design and ChatGPT to create a solution that would work for any course creator looking to consistently post and engage their audience without burnout.
The Post with Purpose Newsletter is perfect for any online course creator who is...
Struggling with Consistency: You find it challenging to maintain a regular schedule of high-quality content for marketing.
Seeking Efficiency: You are looking for innovative ways to streamline your content creation process without sacrificing quality.
Interested in Leveraging AI: You are curious about or are already exploring the use of AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance your content marketing strategy.
Wanting to Upskill their Content Strategies: You understand how important it is to use a variety of strategies to make your marketing content clearer and more interesting.