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Digital Course Coaching & Support


💥 Curriculum Catalyst 💥

🌟 Next-Level Digital Course Support 🌟

Curriculum Catalyst is the accelerator you've been looking for if you're ready to go beyond the basics. We dive deep into advanced curriculum strategies that will give your course the competitive edge it deserves.

👏 Problems Solved 👏

  • Surface Level Guidance: Tired of generic advice that doesn't apply to your advanced level? Ready for a program to take you beyond the outline? We go deep into curriculum development tailored to your needs.

  • Quality Assurance: Elevate your course material with our expert-led sessions, ensuring higher student engagement and completion rates.

💡 Desires Fulfilled 💡

  • Professional Growth: Boost your skills and become a more effective educator and communicator.

  • Improved Finish Rates and Boosted Sales with Powerful Testimonials

  • Competitive Edge: Stand out in a crowded digital marketplace with a high-quality course.

🪄 What is included in the 12 week program? 🪄

  • Bi-Weekly micro-learning lessons: digital course tools and strategies you can immediately implement (watch at your preferred time)

  • Bi-Weekly: Small group coaching & networking virtual meetups (60 minutes).

  • Bi-Weekly: PRIVATE coaching sessions (30 minutes)

Not Sure?
Book a free consult to gain clarity on what direction is best for you!


White-Glove Course Support


Course Transformation and Foundational Concepts

Why It Matters:

This is the foundation of any educational experience. With deep knowledge of how people learn best, the instructional designer ensures that the course is not just a string of information but a carefully curated learning journey.


Learning Journey Clarity and Curriculum Alignment

Why It Matters:

Good content is not enough; it needs to be organized and presented in a way that enhances comprehension and retention. We focus on making the course content coherent, logical, and progressively challenging, aimed to facilitate optimal learning.


Improved Student Engagement and Retention

Why It Matters:

The best curriculum can fall flat without the right methods to deliver it. We ensure that the course is as engaging and interactive as it is educational, harnessing the full potential of your course to make a lasting impact on your students.


Meet Your Guide!

Hey! I'm Mandie Kramer.


I help aspiring course creators find focus and clarity with their ideas so they can make the impact (and income) they are destined to make!


I'm a certified educator and instructional design strategist that can help you create a transformative and impactful online program.


I love to solve difficult problems in the world of education by creating innovative solutions that increase engagement and embrace your unique style!

This Program is Perfect For You If...

  • You Have A Genuine Passion for Teaching: You have a deep-rooted desire to share knowledge and genuinely impact their students' lives.

  • You Are Committed to Quality: You value high-quality curriculum design and are willing to invest the time and effort it requires.

  • You Value Collaboration and Feedback: You appreciate the benefits of private and group coaching opportunities, including peer feedback and collaborative learning.

Questions? Don't hesitate to message me using the chat button on this website!

I can also be reached by email at or Instagram @mandieLXdesign

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